

Cabana || Hollywood


Me & My Girls before Cabana in Hollywood
We was looking good right!!?
Our first time at Cabana,, dnt know how we feel bout it lolz
Wasnt that impressed,, considering everyone always loves this place
First we were in line crazy long then we have ever had to wait for any club
Plus it was low key racist,, the black in one line whites & mex in another..ummmm?

The place is not heel friendly the ground is cobble stone and has a million dips 
then the inside part wooded flooring is uneven & slippery when wet 
The music was cool,, except for the random performances 
[one of the friends from the show Daddy's Girls performed,, random
& all the girls including Vanessa & Angela were there walked right by them
didn't know it was them but they hair & outfits was cute]
The drinks are ridiculously expensive & super small [$15 for cranberry & vodka,,ho please]

Me & the girls found a nice spot to sit after dancing that let us see everyone 
All jokes from there on,, LA ppl are crazy,,
there were some lames,, bosses,, & hoes like any other club
but this time the dudes were not fulfilling my needs lolz
You shoulda saw some of the outfits geez
Saw too many girls bust they ass
And men was gawking at my titties like a mutha!!
We found this awesome gay guy shout out to Ray!! Eeeeeoooowww!!
For the most part I had fun,, we decided we gotta go back & give it a 2nd chance

I found a connect tho so next time we wont have to wait or pay *wink

Beyonce || Allure

Beyonce on the cover of  February Allure Magazine
She said she will be taking at least a 6th month break
No studio.No Performances.No Shoots
She just wants to play w/ her nephew & watch Broadway
I can dig it,,she needs a time out 
she is over worked...
I hope she takes time to make babies
Cuz if Jay aint gona give her none
I will lmao!!

The Balmain


This jacket is $74,000...tell me why i gotta Range Rover on my back lolz...
but its crazy dope,, am I lying??

Burning Up

Have you smelt this??
Smells like heaven
I want this 
& I think a special someone 
is gona get it for me for 
So he can lick it 
off later lolz