In my life I have been through some crazy shit,, a lot of which I'm not proud of. However, the one thing I have always maintained was a good heart and good loyal standing to people I care about and I have come to realize that people don't have the same emphasis for the concept to me as I do. I'm a GREAT FRIEND!! I stand true to it. If I ride for you then consider that a blessing. But what I hate about my loyalty and heart has let people to still over look it and want to hurt me by taking my kindness for a sign to take advantage of me.
If you know me you know I'm a sweetheart and I'm so nice and welcoming to everyone I meet. its just who I am,, and some people don't appreciate that about me and it hurts me. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm just too caring. i care a lot of my image taking that there are people in my life that can ruin it if they choose too. I have had people who I trusted talk shit about me and say really mean things behind my back about me but never to my face. I feel that a lot of people in my life have only been around to use me. Ive been played by boys and girls and secretly it has eaten away at my confidence. For the first time in my life I'm learning to not give a fuck what people say and just live my life the way I choose to. I'm learning that people are gonna have an opinion of who I am no matter if I have done all the bad things in my life or not. I'm growing and they are growing so their opinion holds no wait because nobody is perfect.

A recent conversation about me by two people I care about was brought back to me and a lot of hurtful things were said and at this point I'm no longer mad at the words that were said I'm mad at the fact I cared so much about what was said to the point it made me question who I was. People talk shit,, that's something I can't change but what I can change is how I feel about it and how I address my actions. I stand by my faults and my accomplishments,, they teach me a lot about myself and life. It saddens me sometimes that I have to learn from some of my mistakes int he way I do but I'm just learning to accept the the things I have done as a story to tell and a lesson to learn. I used to be so wrapped up in others peoples thoughts and that's not the way to live.