Its time to bust bubbles!!....I received information from a very useful and highly informed unidentified source that Blue from the MTV reality show From G's to Gents is an imposter, a fake, a liar, a millie vanillie, watever u wana call it he aint keepin it real!. lets release some of the facts....
1. Homeboy is not Homeless [homeless ppl dont have myspaces or agents to get them on reality shows]
2.He doesnt stay with his mom [he shares an apartment with his brother]
3.He doesn't live in South Central [He lives in Inglewood]
4.He doesn't bang [if he did he wouldn't be on the show]
5.He is in collge or pretends to be idk [Civilians have spotted him in the CSUN financial aid office]
6. Who knows what else he is lying about.....[ill find out lolz]
Anywho, I guess realty TV isn't really real, oh well....
I guess all that matters is that homeboy got his 15 mins...
\\ & you heard it from the queen herself......
It's unfortunate cuz Bentley had a nice idea for this show BUT Viacom isn't looking to help people just keep up the ratings so most of those "reality" characters are fakes, wannabes, ex porn stars, strippers, etc,etc,etc....
That Danger chic with the tattooed face, I saw her online naked b4 the season even started.Oh well.
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