This hurts my heart! why wont they just LEAVE MY BELOVED B.ROCK ALONE!! Please! I can't believe they are trying to say he is gay & that Michelle is crying over supposed letter that she recieved from his 'lover' exposing a tell all book about Obama's get down on the down low! Hells to the No!! First off, Michelle is too G to believe a random letter about her own damn husband negatively! 2) Obama love is real Black Love [Black Love is the strongest love out there] 3) This is just another story to try and keep the black man down! This just aint any ol' politician this is Barack [Muthafuckin] Obama! Yall hoes need to come harder than that!
Now that is a damn shame but hey....legit news papers are failing so hopefully bullshit like this will fold and disappear too.
LOl they say you aint big until a gay rumor comes out so...our prez made it to the big time.
We all know this is a lie so lets LOL about this! This is the Globe we are talking about...like Night said they about to fall apart
this is bullshit omg!
OMG I just did a post recently about motherfuckers disrespecting Barack, I cant believe it. This was my first time reading this, whoever is responsible for this needs to either kill themselves or get a fucking life.
muy bueno!
first the aids blood in a letter and now this...? wtf is wrong with some people??!!!
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