

Where The HELL is Kam??

Hey loves!!! Ive been M.I.A and I truly apologize. Ive been going through so much lately that I'm finally stable, well kind of. lol. Also, I've been gone because of laziness and not really knowing how to word some of the things Ive been wanting to post to you guys. Ive been reading a lot of your blogs but haven't been contributing to my own. I used to love to post and loved when you all would comment. I need to get back in the spirit. Hope everyone is well,, I hope I still have at least one reader left :^/ I guess we will see... in the meantime check out my new tattoo...


M I N G said...

That is such a cutee tattoo!

CoogieCruz said...


Tr3sJam3s said...

hey i like your ink work
follow me at and ill return the favor