Not only is Obama runnin the country he can make u cum too?? I saw this any literally my mouth dropped while shaking my head!! Is this fuckin necessary? Do we need to exploit Obama that bad? Niggas are too much...Jus too damn much! Idk about u, but it wud creep me out to have an Obama head in my pussy... Even though Obama is a sexy beast it jus doesnt sit well wit me. Plus this shit looks like it hurts! I wonder how he feels about this... & another thing, why the dick gotta be white? It shuda at least been caramel lolz...
And you know even as u say that, there's gonna be females racing to get that "toy".
oh my word!!! that is HILARIOUS!!! I want to meet a chick who actually buys that. I have to see a face to go with this "toy."
yes mama! Def crazy!!!
Can they just use his image like that without his permission? Pfft! Maybe they had his permission all along...
i mean this is sad cuz obama jus became the first black president and look at the respect he gets. people are sad lmfao
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