First order of business I know Im waaaaaayyy over due for postin on the I AM MUSIC TOUR dont blame me, the person who has all the piks in her camera is takin two years to send them to me [who knows when that will be, Lil Wayne gona be retired by the time I write bout that shit!]

Anywho, As I sed a few post below that I have inspired ppl to start a blog themselves. So im debuting two skeezahs that are dear to my heart. My lil tigg ol bitty beezie Kay.Jay.Nay & My big booty judy Lisa Marie have blogs so please check them them out Kandyzland & Lust4Leese. They are from the minds of ur classiest, flyest Roaches/Rats you will ever see lmao. They are funny, extreme & real & if you love my shit you'll love theirs as well!
You are not right. Let's discuss.
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